Company Profiles: Revenue, Growth, Competition

FLATIRON HEALTH Revenue, Growth & Competitor Profile

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Company Awards

VC / Private Equity
Venture Capital / Private Equity
Fast Growing
Fastest Growing
Big Fish
Big Fish
Brain Power (IP)
Patent/Trademark IP

Company Profile & Annual Report for Flatiron Health

Access the complete profile.

Flatiron Health Fast Facts

Revenue$100 - $500 million    See Exact Annual Revenue
EmployeesOver 1,000Exact Company Size
Primary Industry5416 Management, Scientific & Technical Consulting Services
Address233 Spring St
5th Floor
New York, NY 10013
Note: Revenues for privately held companies are statistical evaluations.

Flatiron Health's annual revenues are $100-$500 million (see exact revenue data) and has over 1,000 employees. It is classified as operating in the Management, Scientific & Technical Consulting Services industry.

Flatiron Health's Annual Report & Profile shows critical firmographic facts:
  • What is the company's size? (Annual sales and employees)
  • What industry is the company in?

Flatiron Health Annual Revenue and Growth Rate

Flatiron Health Revenue Est.
($ Million)
Growth Rate (%)# Employees
2023 Details in Premium Report

1-Year Growth Rate:
3-Year Growth Rate (CAGR):
Premium Report

Note: Flatiron Health's revenues are gauged from an analysis of company filings.

Investor Activity

Flatiron Health has actively raised capital from investors. These investors may include private investors, venture capital firms, or other investment vehicles.

Date Investors Percent Raised Target Size
March 31, 2014 22 100%$8 MM
Complete list of funding rounds and total amounts in the Company Report

Flatiron Health's Income Statement (based on Industry Averages)

$ Millions
(Industry Average)
Flatiron Health Revenue (Sales) Flatiron Health Premium Report
Cost of Goods Sold
Gross Profit

Operating Expenses
Salaries and wages
Other Operating Expenses
Total Operating Expenses
Operating Income
EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Taxes)
Net Profit

Trademark Applications

Trademark applications show the products and services that Flatiron Health is developing and marketing. Flatiron Health doesn't have any recent trademark applications, indicating Flatiron Health is focusing on its existing business rather than expanding into new products and markets. Trademarks may include brand names, product names, logos and slogans.

Trademark Date
providing temporary use of online non-downloadable middleware that converts and transfers protected information to viewable research data; providing temporary use of cloud-based middleware that converts and transfers protected information to viewable research data; design and development of software, middleware, software as a service (SAAS) services, and platform as a service (PAAS) services
Electronic storage of documents and data; software as a service (SAAS) and platform as a service (PAAS) services featuring software for data management; software as a service (SAAS) and platform as a service (PAAS) services featuring software to collect, compile, capture, record, store, organize, process, manage, share, and report data, research, clinical research, clinical data, and research and data from clinical trials; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software for data management; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software to collect, compile, capture, capture, store, organize, process, manage, share, and report data, research, clinical research, clinical data, and research and data from clinical trials; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable middleware for providing an interface between electronic health records or electronic medical records and electronic data capture systems; providing temporary use of cloud-based middleware for providing an interface between electronic health records or electronic medical records and electronic data capture systems; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable middleware for providing an interface between electronic health records or electronic medical records and electronic data capture systems to convert and transfer protected health information to viewable research data; providing temporary use of cloud-based middleware for providing an interface between electronic health records or electronic medical records and electronic data capture systems to convert and transfer protected health information to viewable research data; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable middleware that converts and transfers protected information to viewable research data; providing temporary use of cloud-based middleware that converts and transfers protected information to viewable research data; Provide temporary use of online non-downloadable software that transfers electronic health records, electronic medical records, and medical data to cloud-based servers; provide temporary use of online non-downloadable software to review, monitor, audit, query, and organize electronic health records and electronic medical records; provide temporary use of online non-downloadable software for creating and downloading reports and metrics reports based on data captured from electronic health records and electronic medical records; provide temporary use of online non-downloadable software that tags and tracks metadata; software as a service (SAAS) and platform as a service (PAAS) services featuring software that transfers electronic health records, electronic medical records, and medical data to cloud-based servers; software as a service (SAAS) and platform as a service (PAAS) services featuring software to review, monitor, audit, query, and organize electronic health records and electronic medical records; software as a service (SAAS) and platform as a service (PAAS) services featuring software for creating and downloading reports and metrics reports based on data captured from electronic health records and electronic medical records; software as a service (SAAS) and platform as a service (PAAS) services featuring software that tags and tracks metadata; Providing temporary use of non-downloadable cloud- based software to review, monitor, audit, query, and organize electronic health records and electronic medical records; Providing temporary use of non-downloadable cloud-based software for creating and downloading reports and metrics reports based on data captured from electronic health records and electronic medical records; Providing temporary use of non-downloadable cloud-based software that tags and tracks metadata; Software as a service (SAAS) services featuring software for managing and compiling data for use in clinical trial research; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software for the management, storage, exchange, and review of secured documents, secured data, and clinical research regulatory compliance documentation; software as a service (SAAS) and platform as a service (PAAS) services featuring software for the management, storage, exchange, and review of secured documents, secured data, and regulatory compliance documentation; design and development of software, middleware, and software as a service (SAAS) services, and platform as a service (PAAS) services
Electronic storage of documents and data; software as a service (SAAS) and platform as a service (PAAS) services featuring software for data management; software as a service (SAAS) and platform as a service (PAAS) services featuring software to collect, compile, capture, record, store, organize, process, manage, share, and report data, research, clinical research, clinical data, and research and data from clinical trials; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software for data management; providing temporary use of online non-downloadable software to collect, compile, capture, record, store, organize, process, manage, share, and report data, research, clinical research, clinical data, and research and data from clinical trials; cloud computing featuring software for data management; cloud computing featuring software to collect, compile, capture, record, store, organize, process, manage, share, and report data, research, clinical research, clinical data, and research and data from clinical trials; design and development of software, software as a service (SAAS) services, and platform as a service (PAAS) services

See all trademarks and details in the Full Report.

Recession Risk

Determine whether Flatiron Health grew or shrank during the last recession. This is useful in estimating the financial strength and credit risk of the company. Compare how recession-proof Flatiron Health is relative to the industry overall. While a new recession may strike a particular industry, measuring the industry and company's robustness during the last recession estimates its ability to weather future recessions.

U.S. Industry Overview & Market Statistics:
Management, Scientific & Technical Consulting Services

Publisher: AnythingResearch

  • Market Size
  • Growth Rate
  • 5-Year Market Forecast
  • Average Company Size & Growth
  • Salary & Compensation Benchmarks

Market Share of Flatiron Health's Largest Competitors

A competitive analysis shows these companies are in the same general field as Flatiron Health, even though they may not compete head-to-head. These are the largest companies by revenue. However, they may not have the largest market share in this industry if they have diversified into other business lines. The "Competition" section of a business plan or investment memorandum would start by analyzing the information about these companies. Competitive advantage comes from offering better pricing or superior products/service.

Company HeadquartersRevenue ($ MM)

Nearby Competitors

These companies are similar in business line and location to Flatiron Health. While some companies compete with neighboring businesses for customers, other companies may compete to attract skilled employees.

Company HeadquartersRevenue ($ MM)
MCKINSEYNew York, NY100 
MERCER USNew York, NY10 

Future Competition: Flatiron Health's Fastest Growing Competitors

These companies are in the same general field as Flatiron Health and are rapidly expanding. Companies may grow organically or through acquisition. In some cases apparently high growth rates may be caused by data that weren't available in previous years.

CompanyRevenue ($ MM)
Flatiron Health Competitors