Company Profiles: Revenue, Growth, Competition

SKINIT Revenue, Growth & Competitor Profile

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Company Profile & Annual Report for Skinit

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Skinit Fast Facts

RevenueN/A    See Exact Annual Revenue
Employees10 - 100Exact Company Size
Primary Industry517 Telecommunications
Address8969 Kenamar Drive, Suite 108
San Diego, CA 92121
Note: Revenues for privately held companies are statistical evaluations.

(see exact revenue data) and has 10-100 employees. It is classified as operating in the Telecommunications industry.

Skinit's Annual Report & Profile shows critical firmographic facts:
  • What is the company's size? (Annual sales and employees)
  • What industry is the company in?

Trademark Applications

Trademark applications show the products and services that Skinit is developing and marketing. Skinit doesn't have any recent trademark applications, indicating Skinit is focusing on its existing business rather than expanding into new products and markets. Trademarks may include brand names, product names, logos and slogans.

Trademark Date
Pre-made and custom-made protective cases and decorative covers made of vinyl, plastic film, plastic laminates, metal, plastic and rubber specially adapted for smart phones, cell phones, portable music players, portable video players, computers, tablet computers, laptops, notebook computers, keyboards, MP3 players, portable satellite radios, personal digital assistants, remote controls, and satellite recorders; fitted plastic films known as skins for covering and providing a scratch-proof barrier and protection for electronic devices, namely, smart phones, cell phones, portable music players, portable video players, computers, tablet computers, laptops, notebook computers, keyboards, MP3 players, portable satellite radios, personal digital assistants, remote controls, and satellite recorders; painted cell phone covers; elastomeric appliques for placement onto electronic devices to prevent slipping
Pre-made and custom-made protective cases and decorative covers made of vinyl, plastic film, plastic laminates, metal, plastic and rubber specially adapted for smart phones, cell phones, portable music players, portable video players, computers, tablet computers, laptops, notebook computers, keyboards, MP3 players, portable satellite radios, personal digital assistants, remote controls, and satellite recorders; fitted plastic films known as skins for covering and providing a scratch-proof barrier and protection for electronic devices, namely, smart phones, cell phones, portable music players, portable video players, computers, tablet computers, laptops, notebook computers, keyboards, MP3 players, portable satellite radios, personal digital assistants, remote controls, and satellite recorders; painted cell phone covers; elastomeric appliques for placement onto electronic devices to prevent slipping
Protective and/or decorative rubber bumpers, screen guards, and cases for smart phones, cell phones, computers, tablet computers, laptops, notebook computers, keyboards, MP3 players, portable satellite radios, personal digital assistants, remote controls, and television satellite recorders

See all trademarks and details in the Full Report.

Recession Risk

Determine whether Skinit grew or shrank during the last recession. This is useful in estimating the financial strength and credit risk of the company. Compare how recession-proof Skinit is relative to the industry overall. While a new recession may strike a particular industry, measuring the industry and company's robustness during the last recession estimates its ability to weather future recessions.

U.S. Industry Overview & Market Statistics:

Publisher: AnythingResearch

  • Market Size
  • Growth Rate
  • 5-Year Market Forecast
  • Average Company Size & Growth
  • Salary & Compensation Benchmarks

Market Share of Skinit's Largest Competitors

A competitive analysis shows these companies are in the same general field as Skinit, even though they may not compete head-to-head. These are the largest companies by revenue. However, they may not have the largest market share in this industry if they have diversified into other business lines. The "Competition" section of a business plan or investment memorandum would start by analyzing the information about these companies. Competitive advantage comes from offering better pricing or superior products/service.

Company HeadquartersRevenue ($ MM)
AT & TDallas, TX100 
CCO HOLDINGSSaint Louis, MO55 
T-MOBILE USABellevue, WA46 
QUALCOMMSan Diego, CA38 
DIRECTVEl Segundo, CA34 

Nearby Competitors

These companies are similar in business line and location to Skinit. While some companies compete with neighboring businesses for customers, other companies may compete to attract skilled employees.

Company HeadquartersRevenue ($ MM)
QUALCOMMSan Diego, CA100 
INSEEGOSan Diego, CA0 
4LIBERTYSan Diego, CA0 
XCOM LABSSan Diego, CA0 

Future Competition: Skinit's Fastest Growing Competitors

These companies are in the same general field as Skinit and are rapidly expanding. Companies may grow organically or through acquisition. In some cases apparently high growth rates may be caused by data that weren't available in previous years.

CompanyRevenue ($ MM)
Skinit Competitors