Company Profiles: Revenue, Growth, Competition

WILTON INDUSTRIES Revenue, Growth & Competitor Profile

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Company Profile & Annual Report for Wilton Industries

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Wilton Industries Fast Facts

RevenueN/A    See Exact Annual Revenue
Employees500 - 1,000Exact Company Size
Primary Industry423 Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods
Address2240 75th St
Woodridge, IL 60517

Note: Revenues for privately held companies are statistical evaluations.

(see exact revenue data) and has 500-1,000 employees. It is classified as operating in the Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods industry.

Wilton Industries's Annual Report & Profile shows critical firmographic facts:
  • What is the company's size? (Annual sales and employees)
  • What industry is the company in?

Trademark Applications

Trademark applications show the products and services that Wilton Industries is developing and marketing. Wilton Industries's new tradmarks suggest it is investing in R&D and marketing, while expanding into new products or markets. Trademarks may include brand names, product names, logos and slogans.

Trademark Date
Candy decorations for baked goods; chocolate fondue; edible cake decorations; edible icings; edible flavorings for baked goods other than essential oils; extracts used as food flavoring; vegetable glycerin for use as a food flavoring; glucose for culinary purposes; edible food decorations for cake and pastries, namely, sprinkles and sugars used for decorating baked goods, candy, candy pieces for use in the home preparation of other confectioneries; edible favors in the nature of candy; candy decorations, namely, candy figurines and decorative ornaments for foods; dessert making kits comprised of confectionery coating wafers for food decorating and microwaveable bags; dessert making kits comprised of cookies, candy and icing; activity kits to make candy consisting of packets of edible candy clay, plastic sculpting tools, a storage box and instructions; vanilla and chocolate for use in baked goods; vanilla and chocolate based fillings for cupcakes and cakes; chocolate; candy sprinkles; vanilla flavoring for culinary purposes; meringue powder; vanilla; vanilla extract; cake frosting; frosting mixes; cake mixes
Baked good tins sold empty for domestic use; bakeware; baking dishes; baking mats; battery-operated cookie presses; biscuit cutters; bottles, sold empty; bowls; caddies for holding baking, cooking, and decorating tools for household use; cake brushes; cake decorating sets sold as a unit comprised primarily of decorating tubes, couplers and tips; cake decorating tips and tubes; cake domes; cake molds; cake pans; cake plates; cake rests; cake rings; cake servers; cake stands; cake supports, namely, cake bases; cake tins; candle drip rings; candle holders; candle jars; candle rings; candlesticks; candy boxes; chocolate molds; cleaning brushes for household use; confectioner's decorating bags; confectioners' molds; cookery molds; cookie cutters; cookie molds; cookie sheets; cookie stamps; cooking forks; cooking funnels; cooking graters; cooking skewers; cooking spoons; cooking utensil, namely, batter dispenser; cookware, namely, pots and pans; cooling racks for baked goods; cupcake baking cups; cupcake molds; cupcake stands; cutting boards; dishes; disposable paperboard bakeware; double boilers; fondant cutters; fondant rollers; hand-operated cookie presses; hand-operated cookie sieves and sifters; hand-operated flour sifters for household use; hand-operated pastry blenders; kitchen containers; kitchen ladles; mixing bowls; mixing cups; mixing spoons; muffin pans; muffin tins; oven mitts; ovenware; paper baking cups; paper cupcake baking liners; paper muffin baking liners; pastry bags; pastry boards; pastry brushes; pastry cutters; pastry rollers; pie pans; pie servers; pie tins; plastic containers, namely, cake boxes for household use; plastic storage containers for household or domestic use; plates; pudding molds; rolling pins; scoops for household purposes; scrapers for household purposes; serving scoops; serving trays and plates for serving food and drinks; silicone baking cups; silicone cupcake baking liners; silicone freezer pop forms; silicone muffin baking liners; slotted spoons; spatulas for kitchen use; squeeze bottles sold empty; sticks for cake pops; sticks for frozen confections; sticks for lollipops; swizzle sticks; tiered food servers; trays for domestic purposes; whisks
Bakeware; baking mats; cake pans; muffin pans; muffin tins

See all trademarks and details in the Full Report.

Recession Risk

Determine whether Wilton Industries grew or shrank during the last recession. This is useful in estimating the financial strength and credit risk of the company. Compare how recession-proof Wilton Industries is relative to the industry overall. While a new recession may strike a particular industry, measuring the industry and company's robustness during the last recession estimates its ability to weather future recessions.

U.S. Industry Overview & Market Statistics:
Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods

Publisher: AnythingResearch

  • Market Size
  • Growth Rate
  • 5-Year Market Forecast
  • Average Company Size & Growth
  • Salary & Compensation Benchmarks

Market Share of Wilton Industries's Largest Competitors

A competitive analysis shows these companies are in the same general field as Wilton Industries, even though they may not compete head-to-head. These are the largest companies by revenue. However, they may not have the largest market share in this industry if they have diversified into other business lines. The "Competition" section of a business plan or investment memorandum would start by analyzing the information about these companies. Competitive advantage comes from offering better pricing or superior products/service.

Company HeadquartersRevenue ($ MM)
PGW AUTO GLASSCranberry, PA100 
DEALER TIRECleveland, OH21 
ROBERT BOSCHFarmington Hills, MI19 

Nearby Competitors

These companies are similar in business line and location to Wilton Industries. While some companies compete with neighboring businesses for customers, other companies may compete to attract skilled employees.

Company HeadquartersRevenue ($ MM)
EDWARD DONWoodridge, IL13 
A.M. CASTLEOak Brook, IL8 
STONE WHEELWillowbrook, IL8 

Future Competition: Wilton Industries's Fastest Growing Competitors

These companies are in the same general field as Wilton Industries and are rapidly expanding. Companies may grow organically or through acquisition. In some cases apparently high growth rates may be caused by data that weren't available in previous years.

CompanyRevenue ($ MM)
Wilton Industries Competitors